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About the AuthorAlan Cassels is a University of Victoria health policy researcher and a trusted media commentator on medical policy issues. He is the co-author of the internationally bestselling book "Selling Sickness", and a frequent contributor to magazines, newspapers and radio programs. You can reach Alan at The Cochrane Collaboration: Medicine's Best-Kept SecretAuthored by Alan Cassels, Foreword by Sir Iain Chalmers MD, Illustrated by Jeremy Gordaneer From a small rebel band of misfits that taunted the medical world to "show us the evidence", the Cochrane Collaboration has grown into a worldwide beacon of research excellence. Thousands of volunteers worldwide work under the Cochrane banner, methodically separating fact from fiction concerning medical interventions. Heroic in the medical research world, the Cochrane Collaboration is a secret to almost everyone else. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, writer and professional medical skeptic Alan Cassels was selected to draw back the curtains on the Cochrane Collaboration. His extensive interviews of Cochranites allowed him to document their achievements, resulting in a book that Cochrane's leadership ultimately refused to publish. Read an ExcerptDownload this PDF sample of The Cochrane Collaboration. Buy This Book
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